Kennel Wallova - Welsh Springer Spaniel

Thursday 22 September 2022

Team Wallova in Hasmark and Luxembourg!

Team Wallova was attending Danish Spanielclub tree time shows in Hasmark, and two times in Luxembourg!

Pepsi (Ch Wallovas Placebo), Sia (Ch Wallovas Sia) and Brynn (JunCh Wallovas Zara Larsson) showed their socks off on Saturday where Pepsi went BOB and Sia BOS, both with Cert, Cacib, Crufts Qualification and new title - Luxembourg Champion! Brynn went best junior with junior Cert, junior Cacib, Crufts Qualification and new title - Luxembourg Junior Champion! To top it off, Pepsi went BIG 2 in a massive group of high quality dogs! It was amazing to take part of the videos of them in the main ring and to see the joy in both Pepsi and Emma, it gave us the chills! So happy that judge Magret Möller-Sieber from Germany recognised the quality in Pepsi. On Sunday only Pepsi and Sia showed, again BOB and BOS with one Cacib each and Crufts Qualification! They did not stay until finals because of their long journey home. Great work by the amazing dogs and Emma, Louise and Silke! Thank you for showing your dogs to total excellence and your love and care for them!

In Hasmark, Denmark, we were six Wallovas - Harry (Wallovas Yellow Ostrich), Yster (Wallovas Yelle), Märta (Wallovas Dancing Queen), Disa (Wallovas Immaculate Machine), Tonks (Wallovas Xiu Xiu) and Tia (Wallovas Tender Forever). We had a super exciting and fun time and the results are a proof of the quality in our dogs and we are so happy and proud that our hard work in producing excellent welshies is showing. Results as follow:

Gold Cup 1, Judge C. Coode, UK, 17 welshies

  • Harry - EXC CK, 1 JUNKK, 2 BH, CERT and Jun.CERT
  • Märta - Best baby with SL
  • Tonks - EXC CK, 1 JUNKK, 4.BTK Jun.CERT
  • Yster - EXC CK, 2 JUNKK, R.Jun.CERT
  • Disa - EXC CK, 3 ÖKK
  • Tia - EXC CK, 4 ÖKK

All EXC CK, 1 Cert, 2 Jun.Cert and Best Baby!

Gold Cup 2, Judge Lee Cox, UK, 18 welshies

  • Harry - EXC CK, 1 JUNKK, 2 BH, CERT and Jun.CERT
  • Märta - Best baby with SL
  • Tonks - EXC, 2 JUNKK
  • Yster - EXC CK, 1 JUNKK, 4 BTK, Jun.CERT
  • Disa - EXC, 4 ÖKK
  • Tia - EXC, 3 ÖKK

All EXC, 1 Cert, 2 Jun.Cert and Best Baby!

GOLD CUP BEST IN SHOW (joint BIS for the two shows)

  • Märta - Gold Cup Baby Winner 3
  • Harry - Gold Cup Junior Winner 2

Silver Cup, Judge Marko Bubalo, Croatia, 19 welshies

  • Harry - EXC CK, 1 JUNKK, 2 BH, CERT and Jun.CERT, new titles DK Junior Champion, DK KlubbJunior Champion and Silver Cup Junior Winner
  • Märta - Best baby with SL and new title Silver Cup Baby Winner
  • Tonks - EXC CK, 1 JUNKK, Jun.CERT and new title Silver Cup Junior Winner
  • Yster - EXC, 3 JUNKK
  • Disa - EXC CK, 1 ÖKK, 1 BT, Cert, BOB and title Silver Cup Winner
  • Tia - EXC, 4 ÖKK

All EXC, 2 Cert, 2 Jun.Cert, Best Baby, four Silver Cup titles, 1 junior champion and junior club champion and to top this weekend of BOB!!!


  • Märta - BIS Baby 4
  • Tonks - BIS Junior 3

We are so happy, proud and blessed for our amazing dogs and our wonderful friends, thank you so much for keeping your dogs happy, friendly and healthy and for sharing these moments with us. We truly have the best team!

And super thanks to Katta for taking such good care of our dogs and puppies at home, including the rest of the animals at the farm! Without you this would not be possible!

Luxembourg Internationell Utställning 2022 - Kennel Wallova Hasmark Spaniel Utställning 2022 - Kennel Wallova